Bircher Muesli

Want a healthy and super quick breakfast recipe that tastes great and can be eaten in winter or summer?? - then this bircher breaky bowl is for you!

The best part is you can make it the night before so it’s ready for you in the morning, saving you time to do more important things, such as a beautiful morning routine that has you starting the day in the most relaxing and positive way!

This recipe also suits anyone following a keto diet or low carb


1 Tablespoon Hemp seeds

1 Tablespoon Flax seeds

1 Tablespoon Chia seeds

1 - 2 Tablespoons Quinoa flakes

2 Tablespoons Coconut flakes

Pinch Himalayan salt

1/4 cup nut milk

1 Teaspoon Honey or Maple syrup

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla bean paste

Frozen berries


Add all ingredients into a glass jar and stir well. Seal lid tightly and place in fridge.

In the morning you can either mix again and eat straight from the jar or pop in saucepan on stove and warm it up.

These are quick and easy breaky ideas. Can make a few jars at a time to make morning time smoother

Option - add some nut butter on top & goji berries


Need help in eating healthier and understanding food better? Your not the only one!! Lot’s of women contacted me asking if I could help them during isolation time to create and cook healthier at home. That is why I created the Switch to Healthy 4 week program! Right now I am looking for 10 women that would like to Beta Test the program for me at the huge discount price. If this sounds like something you would be interested in check it out here

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