switch to healthy

30 Day program


stop feeling !

Addicted to sugary foods and night time indulgences

Confused how to change your eating habits !

Overwhelmed with all the info about what is healthy and what isn’t

Stuck in old eating habits that make you gain weight

Lethargic & unmotivated to make some healthy changes

Triggered into binge eating whenever you feel upset or angry!

Sick, bloated and blahhh after eating or when you wake up

Frustrated with your own body

Start Feeling

Clarity about what foods suit your body type

Excited about creating healthier meals that feel good

Confident in what you put in your mouth

Inspired to be healthier and overcome health issues

Knowledgeable in what it says on food labels so you can shop without stress

More energy and vitality from your healthier body & mind

Less anxiety and low moods !!

Ready to live a healthier life for all the right reasons


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Your benefits

You will know how to put what healthy foods together to make them taste great

You will learn how to cook quickly so your not standing in the kitchen for ages

You will be organised and proud of your kitchen & cooking

You will be inspired to wake up each day with a bounce in your step

You will finish the program with a better understanding of what is in food and its impact on your health

Long-term results through habit and behavior change, not restrictive dieting

Long term results because you can actually continue on with what you have learnt


Why I get it

What the hell are you putting in your mouth??

Cant control yourself?? I get ya!! Been there too!! I used to binge eat lollies and ice cream!!

I also had a thing for nachos !! Nachos every day for lunch, covered in so much amazing glorious melted cheese, and the biggest serving of sour cream you could imagine!!

Until I couldn’t! My health went down hill dramatically! I went from a size 8, exercising every day, smashing so many goals, to seriously sick and huge fatigue and quite a few sizes bigger. Gradually, with the constant work and life stress, my health plummeted even further.

Autoimmune diseases, leaky gut, brain fog, skin issues including acne and eczma, mood swings that were down right scary (to me and those around me) all kinds of digestive issues from constipation to diarrhea and so much more, was the result of years of bad eating, and stressing my body out with grueling exercise and constant yoyo dieting.

That's why, I started to change my life, nearly 10 years ago and 5 years ago decided to become qualified in nutrition and health.

When you invest in one of my programs you get me, your accountability coach, to guide and inspire you through your health journey. I have been there, on the same path and understand what your going through.

Now is the time to invest in yourself and make that change!

Switch to Healthy!